I am pleased to announce some new additions to our extended PFG family! Sara Westrick, our Office Manager and Marketing Coordinator and her husband, Ryan, are expecting their first child in October. It’s a boy! This is technically Sara and Ryan’s first “human” child...
Consider the benefits and limits associated with making post-tax contributions to an individual retirement account. Thinking about opening or contributing to a Roth IRA? Learn more about the benefits of this type of retirement account and your possible eligibility to...
Billionaires and the not-so-wealthy have pledged to donate the majority of their wealth to causes they value most. Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, MacKenzie Scott, Sara Blakely and Ted Turner are among the billionaires who have committed to giving away their...
It’s natural to avoid loss, but sitting on the sidelines out of fear might lead to missed financial goals. As the name implies, loss aversion is our instinct to not just prefer a gain over a loss but to prioritize avoiding losses over almost anything. It might sound...
From withdrawals to conversions, taxes in retirement can be a balancing act. After a fruitful career and plenty of practice paying taxes, you may feel prepared for the tax man in retirement. But a review of your post-retirement taxable income may yield some surprising...