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“There’s no place like home.”

That’s so true, but I think we all grew a little tired of it this past year! As much as I love being home, keeping two energetic boys home due to the pandemic was far from easy. I know many of you can relate! Fortunately, baseball was our saving grace and we’ll always be grateful. Charlie has been playing for the Olney Pirates and the much-needed outlet has allowed him to get out and have tons of fun with his friends. It has also been a great social time for us getting to know the other parents on the team. Throughout last summer and this past spring, we’ve been traveling to area tournaments and we recently attended the Sports at the Beach Tournament in Delaware where the Olney Pirates won first place! The team was so excited and we’re all truly appreciative of the experience. 

I also wanted to share some recent exciting news from the office. Sara Aulebach got engaged on May 30th while hiking at Diablo Lake in Washington State. You can check out pictures of Ryan’s proposal to Sara here. We’re all so happy for her here at PFG!

I hope you can get out and really enjoy all summer has to offer. We hope to see you soon!

Take care and be well,

Todd M. Wike, CFP®
Managing Partner, Potomac Financial Group
2021 RJFS Chairman’s Council Member*



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