If you’ve been seeing information about the ketogenic diet pop up everywhere, you’re not alone! This diet is the newest nutrition craze to hit the wellness scene, but does it actually work?
Although fans of the keto diet have increased in recent years, the concept of the diet isn’t a new idea. The goal of the diet is to achieve ketosis, which is the metabolic state in which your body burns fat instead of sugar. By eating a diet high in protein and fat, you can encourage your body to enter this state.
Generally, the body burns glucose for energy. We store up higher levels of glucose when we eat a diet high in carbs and sugar. The keto diet seeks to reverse this process and force the body to run on fat instead of sugar. In addition, proponents of the diet claim weight loss, more energy, and a sustained appetite. Meal plans often include eggs, lean proteins, and lots of veggies.
Tip adapted from Healthline
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